Welcome to the new MinMaxBlog.com!

July 29, 2020

2 minute read

Max Gilmore
Minhajul Hoq
Jace the Mind Sculptor

Hello and welcome to the new MinMaxBlog.com! We're back! This new site has been a long time coming, if you've followed along on our Twitters and Youtube content. We've decided that we wanted to go live a bit earlier than we originally wanted to, because we wanted to write more and have a place to put our thoughts. Thus, this site will always be a work in progress, but that's the beauty of it! In the future, we'll be adding a nicer automatic decklist import/export tool, as well as continueing to migrate over all of the old content from the previous MinMaxBlog.com. You'll notice that several of our old articles are missing, and that's because content migration takes a lot of time, especially because of how... unfriendly to that sort of thing Squarespace was. We'll eventually move everything over, so you'll see more and more of our old articles appearing when we have the time to move them!

For now, enjoy our main page, which now serves as the home for our blog, as well as our topics page that breaks down each of our articles in their specific categories. Finally, we also now have a section for our authors, so you can filter by a specific writer as well!

In the future, we'll be adding in a better decklist export/share tool as well as a handful of other features. If you have suggestions, please comment below or reach out to us on social media, we're happy to hear them!

With the new site and how easy it is for us to write and control how our own site works, we're very excited to pump out our regular stream of hard hitting articles! Thanks so much for waiting patiently and we hope you enjoy our writing!

Look out for our first new article soon!